OSL Canada

The International Order of St Luke the Physician


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A Hymn on the Nativity of My Saviour
  I sing the birth was born tonight,
  The author both of life and light;
  The angels so did sound it.
And like the ravished shepherds said,
Who saw the light and were afraid,
Yet searched, and true they found it.
           Ben Jonson, 1573 - 1637
A Child is Born
A baby is born, rejoice
How quiet not a noise
Born in a manger
To save us from danger
He was to teach
Love and preach.
Angels sang
As the sheep bells rang.
Shepherds were curious
Herod was furious.
So now keep Christmas day
Lovely, joyous and gay.

by Mary Ann Hamburger, age 8

Submitted by 

The Rev. Clare Edwards
Spiritual Health Coordinator,
Manitoba Northern Health Region